Landing Page | Interactive design programmed with D3.js.
The user can spell out their favorite words and phrases and design their own screen. The design can be saved and shared on social networks. This project was done using D3. (D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSSD3).
Name symbol generator | D3.js
Interactive system that generates a symbol based on the gesture of glide typing your name. Here are some samples of my name, family members and friends' names.
Louisiana Bicentennial, 200 Years of Jazz and Blues. LSU Interactive installation |Open Sound Control, Processing, Native iOS and Android apps.
Interactive installation consisting of two vertical 42” LCD screens and a native Android mobile application in celebration of the Louisiana Bicentennial. A user can interact with the installation via the downloadable mobile application and scroll through genres and artists of Louisiana’s past 200 years. As the mobile application is in use, the vertical screens reflect the user’s actions and present them with information about the artist selected. The user may select a track which will then play on their mobile device.